Friday, October 1, 2010

Treatment Trials

So while endeavoring to write out my treatments and character Bios for "The Last Archmage" I discovered several things I need to figure out for my script. First, I need to figure who is in the circus as minor characters and what their talents are. Second, while I have the first half of the movie mostly figured out I fell into the second act trap. While trying to write out what goes on after the midpoint I realized I did not have enough stuff to fill it out when I started. I tried several methods to plot out my script, mainly writing scene descriptions of what i want to happen out on cards and arranging and re-arranging them into a sequence that makes sense. Even so I feel that the second half of my treatment is thin. Another issue I had when writing it out was trying to get everything across that I wanted to. For example Braden, the main character, is pretty tech savvy, and that plays a big role in the movie as he uses electronics and video his grandfather can't understand to his advantage. Another thing that plays a huge role is Braden's heritage and bloodline, which grants him various powers and abilities. In writing the treatment I feel I didn't get that across well or didn't have compelling ways to show why his heritage was so important.

Anywho, I at least have a more complete skeleton to start building my script around, though granted once I get into it I may have to do some re-arranging and find out I am missing parts and have to fill in. Overall though I am confident about actually sitting down and beginning to write this movie out.

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